Clouds Again
Saturday, May 11, 2024 at 5:58PM

Here is the gallery.

Alfie and Mocha was having a whole day of play off and on. We had Neesi, Nica, Murphy depart and who else and quite a few tomorrow on Mother's Day. Mocha will depart later tonight. Everyone was playing off and on. No rabbit hunting for Harlow. She just preferred lazing outdoors. She so loves the outdoors.

I want to wish all the moms - human and canine a wonderful day. The daughter is coming over and we are just going to have wings on the deck. Everyone else is away. Dennis is placing up gazebo curtains as my present (finished washing them yesterday) so in case it rains we are sheltered. The dogs will appreciate it too. 

I just finished grooming so beyond Nica laying on my legs while Dennis did the curtains and Nathan napped, I was grooming so everyone could be ready for Mother's day. 

Thank you to Mocha's mom for the Mother's Day gift. 

I heard the weather is not going to be the balmy 70f that they predicted so we will make the best of it. So much for pool weather. I guess not yet.

No one wants to sit outside tonight including Nathan. It is just too gloomy out there. 

PS: I got sap out of a dog that came today. It didn't get it in our yard but oh my gad was that tough to get out. Best watch your yards as something is growing that has sap on it. 

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