Boxing Day
Thursday, December 26, 2024 at 3:43PM

Hoping you're having a wonderful Holiday, lots of good food as well. Pics don't do justice to the joy these 2 have been in our lives, if only they liked having their pics taken, lol!

Dorothy, Tom, Pixie and Leo

From me:

I do believe they look adorable and how you maintain their hair - amazing! Hope the holidays are grand one!

Here is the gallery.

It is boxing day. I am eating leftover roast, cheese and grapes. It's what I could put together quickly. Dogs are having leftover roast too other than those on restricted diets.

It is mighty slushy outside. The dogs get wet and even wetter. 

Soon it will be 2025. How did that happen?

Dennis played a very fun hide and seek game with the dogs. All he has to do is ask who wants to play and they come running. No one hides or just watches. They want to play!

I want to thank Bailey's mom Pippa for the wonderful gift. Dennis used his meta card immediately. It is so good to see him excited. Candy - money - exciting gift truly.

Trying to get Nathan to get me double layered butter popcorn and he just looks at me as if I am asking for the world. Maybe for New Years eve.

I am excercising. I am not trying to lose weight but instead firm up. I am actually sleeping better at night despite a visiting dog that wants to wake me up by attempting to clean my nose - yuck. Talk about a rude awakening. LOL

The dogs are having fun!!!

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