Short Blogging
Tuesday, December 17, 2024 at 3:22PM

Got an issue with uploading photos here but you can see today's photos in the gallery.

It is a quiet day and I am about to be picked up to see the daughter's new place - do a suana and eat some scallops and chips. I am hoping it is good.

I did some great funny holiday presents for the daughter, hubby and kids. Let's hope they have a sense of humour. One never knows after all these years.

Dogs have been playing. It is my day off. It looks pretty gloomy outdoors. My backache is now a mild aching. I am ever so glad. I did do upper body exercise. Let's hope it wasn't a mistake.

I have not picked up a dog yet but have Dennis and Nathan for that. 

Soon we will be extra busy. It's going to be fun for humans and the dogs but a lot of work. That's okay!

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