Event Filled Day
Sunday, July 28, 2013 at 5:48PM

Last night this raging stomach flu came back so it's been a day of Immodium and lots of water is my friend. I decided not to brush my dogs to give myself a break and tomorrow I will get back to it.

We had the pleasure of Darcy here. (she just went home) Lola, Sadie, Dusty and Benji are playing up a storm. Benji has become so comfortable with life here that he is having a blast being the leader of the mischievous games. I must laugh. Lola has gained her comfort level and have found fun in Dusty, Adele and Roxie. Sadie came in today as if she had never left. We haven't seen her for quite sometime but she said hello to everyone and adjusted before her human Daddy and sister left the yard.

Dennis has been great playing with the dogs like crazy. I did a lot of snuggling and doing retrieval games. Nathan is out running with them as I type.

It's just another day and everyone is having so much fun I expect them to have a deep sleep tonight.

This is a no photo day but I will play catchup tomorrrow!

Article originally appeared on talemakerhavanese.com (http://www.talemakerhavanese.com/).
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