No Photo Day
Saturday, April 27, 2013 at 5:11PM
Darlah in havanese puppies for sale in toronto ontario

When the warm weather comes there is so much to do. Rake, rake, rake, cut, cut, cut, clean, clean, clean and put all the furniture out, open up the pool and wonder how you will ever get under the deck to get the pups out cause you know its too much fun under here and we are NOT ready to go inside. Gorgeous weather today but this old body can't do all that work and not pay. Looking forward to family, friends and dawgs enjoying the pool.

That's what we were doing after I took a look at the sorry state of the yard after a long winter. I raked piles. Nathan filled bags and pups were running around like banshees.

I looked at the pups and all 3 were under the deck playing so hard it was a riot. They would run out, sneak a drink and run back. When we took them out this time all 3 went running not walking out of the bag. Wow each time you do this they find the fun and let loose. Each time it's better and better and well it made all this work easier but we have guests tomorrow and still we have much work to do. I want to hose down the yard but won't till tomorrow night. Just don't want the yard soaked when guests are coming. It's time to chase the last bit of winter away.

Dennis got the gazebo cover on. The pool house needs work and emptying before Monday. Abigail you best wait as we have a full plate.

Pavvie departs anytime now. Ziggy tomorrow. Coco and Doozie are really coming into their own playing with everyone and I mean like I have never seen - crazy fun play. Brie and Colby is coming as they have floors getting done - lucky them. Sometime soon Abigail will surprise us.

But no time for photos - will do some Monday. Yeah - this weekend is just too crazy busy and I have Abs to get ready too. Maybe its time to make a list so nothing gets forgotten.

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