Oh Oh
Thursday, February 7, 2013 at 2:44PM
Darlah in havanese puppies for sale in toronto

Snow is coming. Dusty needs MUCH training. Her latest antic is to hide under the deck and Nathan has to go get her. After about the 4th time - we can be slow like all of us can be, we decided recall needed to be practiced. So upstairs she went and by the time we were done for today, she was running back and forth without hearing come. What a smarty pants. Tomorrow no treat unless she hears the command.

Not sure if we are going to get the big huge storm but it is slowly coming down.

Here are just a few photos taken today. Just not up to going through all of them. So, I hope its okay to see a few.

Ty was here and gone today but just before Julie left she showed us Ty's latest command of play dead and sleep. :-) What a riot.

Daisy's home has workmen in it doing smelly stuff me thinks and she is playing up a storm. Cody was playing with Ty whenever Kona was otherwise focused on the frisbee. At first it was Ty and Kona as a team. it helped that we brought them out first alone.

Cooper thinks Boo is so fun and he relishes play growling and rolling all over the place. Each time Panda and Roxie play though he makes Roxie his own. I want to figure out what that extra something Roxie possess cause the boys all try to covet her.

Everyone is now chilling all over the place with us or with Dennis in the TV room.

Still waiting for the big storm to hit.

I did brush the Coops up but he adores sticking his face in the cedars. I may need a neutralizer to get the smell out. Funny cause Kat does the same thing. Haven't figured out what that is about except they get their face mighty messy.

Interesting thing to note, Logan didn't want Cooper to play with Panda but could care less if he played with Roxie. Interesting dynamics and this afternoon it could and usually does all change - which is quite the norm.

I just love it! Sometimes its like a school playground.

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