Today's Sedate Day
Monday, February 25, 2013 at 6:03PM
Darlah in havanese puppies for sale in toronto

This is Coco after she was brushed.

This is Coco right after the first photo was taken. I think she is taking lessons from Wasabi who loves that free wielding hair of no return to freshly groomed.

Coco and Doozie will be bathed and take off on their first limo ride tomorrow afternoon. I have a carpal tunnel thing going on so Nathan has been helping me doing the first stage of grooming and I do the finishing and actual bathing.

Thanks to Lynda for letting me try a product that appears to be getting my hand to relax but now I want to eat with my left hand. hahahaha

I just finished watching a seriously disturbed movie called Sinister. I used to work with authors - some True Crime writers so I have read a lot in the True Crime genre but visual still disturbs me and this was rather like horror - oh boy - warning if you haven't seen.

Now back to dogs. We had Shoshi doing snow angels today. See the gallery. I just love how they get into it and Shoshi is a riot.

We also had Brewer here and I will post some of the photos I took of the visit on Spice's blog in a few.

The Doozie has decided she wants the love seat to herself. This is ALL MINE, Coco.

I think Roxie loves Lynda the best. She lives for her coming in. :-)

Tangles refuses to keep a tie in her hair and loves the bed on high where she can direct traffic.

Dusty was delighted to have Brewer over and is dead asleep. I snapped this two minutes before she faded out.

Zoe is missing Socks - its obvious so now Roxie is getting all her attention and Roxie has played hard today and wants sleep. Each dog has their own energy level. Sometimes I could use their energy. :-)

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