Time To Go In?
Sunday, February 24, 2013 at 5:50PM
Darlah in havanese puppies for sale in toronto ontario

We have spent a fair bit of time outside - well some dogs have - some have vegged with Nathan and the TV and went out the odd time. Socks heads out tomorrow and Coco and Doozie next. Nathan is now doing a comb out and I am finishing. I am still finding knots but he's doing rather well. I am just not sure it floats his boat so to speak but he's been very helpful.

We have class with Dusty this week and Nathan has yet to get her on a lead. He asked me why I am not. I laughed. I said you do the grooming and I will lead train. That's where that conversation went. We will see how class goes. He does run around with the dogs, plays, walks them and is the wild and crazy guy. But its time to do Dusty work. :-) It has been busy - but....

He may be lead training the first night. hahahaha Me, I will be clicking - the camera that is.

Took a photo of Tangles with her brother Finn.

They loved playing with each other and it was wonderful to watch.

Coco and Doozie are creatures of wamth. They go outside and run not walk to the tv room to cuddle in the blankets and we always have a bunch especially when its wet outside. Besides they adore hanging out with Nathan. They adore snuggling.

Socks and Zoe were outside getting everyone running after them.

Dusty was running right along with them but not quite fast enough yet.

It's been a fun day!

Article originally appeared on talemakerhavanese.com (http://www.talemakerhavanese.com/).
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