What a Day
Sunday, May 13, 2012 at 5:04PM
Darlah in hhavanese puppies for sale in toronto ontario, toronto havanese puppies for sale

Well it started with rain, ended with sunshine. The dogs helped me repot plants, weed out one section of a bed (got way more to do) and they LOVED, LOVED, LOVED the smelly compost, go figure.

There goes my day of leisure. Nathan got a nap after he went and got me lunch and went out and got me a calla and canna lily from someone who was selling them cheap off craigs list. The canna went into my water feature. I need more for my front pond and other water pot. I will keep looking as this is the time people are dividing their plants.

I really wanted a quiet day doing nothing but fun. My deal was when I saw these 2 mature plants I told Nathan I would wash Jlo (remember he promised to) if he would go get the plants. I should have included him repotting too but maybe they would still be sitting in bags if I did. :-)

Tomorrow if we have sunshine I will sand the picnic table.

Jlo came out great. I am pleased with how her coat came out. I hope her owner is too. Tomorrow I get back to grooming my crew and Phantom and Mugs.

We thought Phantom and Mugs would be going home but Paula got in a 4 year old Havanese that is dog aggressive. She is retraining him. Something about encouraging the dog to be a guard dog - not good.

So between 2 babies, Envy another baby and this dog she got in she has her hands full so we have a delay in the duo heading back home.

Some people complain that they are bored, me I just want to catch a breath sometimes. hahaha

I am so glad Fiona can now be in with the rest. Segregating is not fun.

Article originally appeared on talemakerhavanese.com (http://www.talemakerhavanese.com/).
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