Scruffy, Bentley, Sophie & Ringo
Friday, December 28, 2012 at 5:16PM
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Hope you can see this video of how Scruffy spent his birthday. Tonight his brother Bentley is coming to visit.

Here are a few photos we got in email:

Dear Nathan & Darlah,


Today was the most special day of the year for our family.  One year ago today, the miracle that is Scruffy came into this world and changed our lives forever.  It has been such a blessing for us and we cherish every moment we have together.

So how did we make this a unique and wonderful day for Scruffs? Well, we spoiled him rotten of course!  We had a few outings in the fresh 10cm of snow, me in my snowsuit and Scruffs in his new jacket.  He got a special breakfast and dinner light on the kibble, heavy on the treats and cheese. Yum!  He took an afternoon nap with Roger and had some snuggles with me, too. We played many rounds of fetch with his new reindeer toy and tug with his favorite elephant.  I even let him sneak some socks out of the laundry basket so we could play chase Scruffy all around the house. To close out the day, we sang him Happy Birthday and helped him blow out the candle on his birthday cheesecake. He can't tell us his wish but we are sure it somehow involves treats! 😃

Here are some photos of his day and a video from his snow play......notice how he decided "I'm done now, see ya!"  That's our Scruffs!



Lori & Roger


Here is Scruffy's brother Bentley who is visiting us this evening. We are so excited to see him. It's been too long.


Then we got some great photos of Sophie over the holiday season. She's another way too far away.

Hello Talemaker crew,

Mama and I made a surprise trip to PEI for Christmas. It's the first time she's been home for Christmas in 6 years. We had a great drive and I've now become something of a pro at this cross-border travel. :-)

Surprising the kids was my favorite part. I was so excited the whole neighborhood could hear me!!  I am having so much fun. I even got to play in a little snow. There's a big storm coming tonight so I'll really have fun tomorrow.

Christmas was great fun. I hung a stocking, wore Christmas pajamas that I did not want to take off, and of course got a few presents. I mean what dog doesn't deserve toys at Christmas??

Mama has attached a few photos for you to enjoy. I hope all the crew at Talemaker is enjoying the holiday season. Best wishes for a happy and healthy 2013.

Love, Sophie


We also got a photo from Stephanie With Ringo dressed up for the big chill. He certainly is stylin fine! Ringo, you are close enough to come to play when things settle down!

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