No Pool Time
Friday, July 22, 2011 at 5:06PM

We had planned to have Truff, Kat and Spice swim but plans aren't turning out. There has been no pool time today. We had a lot of distractions plus I am the one that gets ready for these events so by morning I have to brush the dogs going, make sure I didn't forget anything cause hey I am super human and then when we return brush the dogs I didn't take.

I had this entire plan today that just didn't work and here I have 2 dogs to wash still, a blog I am trying to finish and a car to be packed and....and...and

So, tomorrow my plan is to brush the dogs, leave at 9am and Nathan can clean the puppy pen. I will let you know at the havanese picnic if it really pans out.

Today I have to make sure all the grandkids clothes are washed and packed as daughter is picking them up in the morning after we leave (son's here) and who knows what I will forget.

Nathan has made his famous wings to take tomorrow. Will I remember those?

Breath deep. It will all fall into place...yeah right!

Off to wash Spice then Kat. Truff is getting a break as I am TOO darn lazy and he smells scrumptious anyways!

If I forget Truff's duck tomorrow, he will have words with me...I just know it.

Hope to see all of you there! Yes, we go early to set up so you can breathe easy and take your time. heh

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