Secrets and Adventures
Sunday, June 19, 2011 at 7:23PM

Well, Wasabi is going to have puppies any day and she is usually the one that teaches Spice all sorts of fun things like going under the deck, behind the pool house and lounging in the garden where no one can see us.

Fiona decided that this was mighty fun and has taken it to a new level. Mommy was out watering the plants this morning with the hose and Fiona and Spice was under the deck drinking the run off.

How did I know? You could see it through the cracks, mouths wide open letting it fall in. When they came up and out, their faces was SOAKEN wet.

Then they proceeded to run their wet faces all over the cedars. Where was the camera? Well, in the house of course. You can't click and water plants at the same time, at least yet.

Daddy was bringing that human son to the airport as he is going to Israel for a year to go to school so he missed the fun.

The human son that helps out with the pups and dawgs is still here and is now adjusting his schedule to be up all night and sleep all day. Why? Well that way someone is on watch during the night and someone is on watch during the day. This way until the pups are old enough to go upstairs without mom, someone is here for them 24/7.

It's a lot of work but worth it.

With Wasabi out of commision, Fiona has taken over the job of mentor. Oh my!

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