Treasure's Baby Sophie's Bath
Monday, May 16, 2011 at 2:25PM
Darlah in havanese puppies toronto talemaker

Today was a big day.....Sophie had her first bath (1st bath from me (Karen), that is) and she needed it. All in all, she did very well. The tether was a life saver. We still had a small amount of "flooding" with her multiple attempts to get out of the sink, but I was prepared with the beach towels. The blow dryer was a breeze. All that excitement and activity really tired her out.

Right now she's on the couch, curled up in a baby blanket, asleep at my feet. Life is good.


Supplies gathered and ready to go.........


Before my bath.....not too sure what she's getting ready to do??

OK, this isn't so bad..........SO FAR!!

OMG....get me OUTTA HERE!!!! Has anyone seen Sophie??

Oh, here she is....getting dry!

Aren't I just the cutest? Momma's already cleaned up the flood ;-)

Oh so fluffy and soft.............


Sophie.....15 weeks old today

Chillaxin with my caterpillar.....

Cute and cuddly as a teddy bear..........


Thank you Karen for sharing a big moment. 15 weeks already - wow!! It goes by way too fast.

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