Tia & Chewy Go Home
Sunday, July 11, 2010 at 7:32PM
Darlah Potechin

The end of the week ends. We had rain, extreme heat and lots of play inside and some outside.

Zack & Coco arrived this weekend and Tia, Archie & the Chew went home.

Archie kept wanting to play with Raylan but Raylan was sore from his shots but he sure tried. Archie ended up playing with everyone. He's really become an amazing play monkey. Raylan is his fave but he was opening up to everyone this time around.

Tia plays with everyone. She play bows. She grabs their tail - whatever it takes to get the play out. She's a riot and so agile too.

Chewy perfected the pounce. Someone would pass by and he would pounce on them getting them to play. It's something he perfected as the week went on. It was sort of a  - tag you are it and then he would do the run-like-hell game and it was as if they tried to tag him back. Would they catch him? It depends on who was doing the chasing and what time of the day it was.

Louis already had this game perfected but has a number of years on the Chew. I have to say, I am not sure who is faster but its as if the wind gusting as these two run.

Then Zack and Coco joined in the play more than not. I remember when they first started coming here Coco used to watch and now she is right in there mixing it up. Zack...well he can't help but play.

I can't believe the week has already ended. Louis goes home on Tuesday or Wednesday depending on the plane connections and Penny comes on Friday but otherwise it will be Louis, Zack and Coco till Tuesday then just Zack and Coco till Friday when Penny comes.

It's going to be a quiet week. That's okay. I will be teaching the guys to garden. hehehehe Do you think they will 'get' it?


Article originally appeared on talemakerhavanese.com (http://www.talemakerhavanese.com/).
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