Oh my Gad is it Cold!
Thursday, January 28, 2010 at 5:44PM
Darlah Potechin in Havanese Boarding Toronto Talemaker, havanese puppies in toronto, havanese toronto doggie daycare

Well, there is no rest for the weary. We were going to crawl into bed to take a nap and Nathan kept talking to me about a project that I should be working on and there goes the nap for me. It's not likely that I could close my eyes after that!

So, he got to snuggle with the dawgs and I got up to try to figure out this project.

I think he wanted the dawgs to himself. tsk tsk

Nathan read this over my shoulders and confirmed this was EXACTLY true - yep he wanted the dawgs to himself!

You think I can convince him to start a fire? It's soooooooooooooo cold here in Toronto. I mean downright chilly that I am sitting with socks and a sweater on and still feeling chilly.

Check the temperature before going out. In winter, as in summer, the temperature can feel worse than what the thermometer reads. Check the temperature and the wind chill factor to keep your dog from getting a chill.

We took the dawgs for a walk today and I swore my face was going to freeze off. Can you imagine how the dawgs felt but we had them in sweaters and coats and we paid attention to their feet and body language. I think the wind chill alert set in after we got back. It surely felt cold on the walks but not as much as when we went out back an hour later.

Can we have a fire around here?

Then we have friends sitting in Florida telling us it might rain this weekend - oh poor things...we feel so very bad.

Use double layers of clothes on your dawgs during cold alerts. It is warmer than single layering and pay attention to them. Short walks is better than no walks but we believe that walks are therapy for the minds so we do them despite freezing our ahems off but we use intelligence when doing so in extreme weather and may even miss a day or two if the weather warrants it but that's due to the dawgs not us being...busy or lazy or cold... or... well you get the point!

Article originally appeared on talemakerhavanese.com (http://www.talemakerhavanese.com/).
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