Wasabi Uses Her Smarts
Monday, September 28, 2009 at 4:39PM
Darlah Potechin in Talemaker havanese boarding toronto, havanese puppies toronto

Wasabi is in LOVE with the puppies. She wants to be in with them in the worst way. I think she misses the pups. But Fiona's not crazy about the idea.

We hang things over the side to give her privacy - Fiona and her pups. It's the pads/carpets we use in the pen.

There's a recliner that we watch TV in and sometimes groom in on one side of the pen, as you can see in the photo.

Well, Wasabi jumped up on the recliner, then up to the back and onto the top of the crate sitting in the x-pen and all the while staring at the pups. Fiona was staring at her as if to say - no. It's normal for mom to protect the little ones. But Wasabi was proud of herself. She figured out how to get up close and personal.

The Havanese are ALWAYS thinking.

Well, it is raining. The dawgs are a mess and although I planned to wash dawgs today - I looked at the rain and said not till it stops. They would just get dirty again and it makes no sense.

The visitors have gone home. The house is quiet. The mud gets tracked in. It's damp but it feels like cuddle in blanket time. What about you?

Article originally appeared on talemakerhavanese.com (http://www.talemakerhavanese.com/).
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