Woodstock Show
Sunday, February 8, 2009 at 6:35AM
Darlah Potechin in dog show, talemaker boarding toronto havanese

Okay - this isn't a DOG photo. Can you believe I forgot the camera at home? This is what Nathan looks like after a long day in the car with just me. He looks much happier WITH dogs. ROFL

Just teasing but he does rather like the dogs lovin' him up and who doesn't?

The dog show was congested - lots of dogs - Paula won group 2 for the 2nd day in a row - bravo with Joker. The Peke won group one. I can't wrap my head around Pekes as they look like dust mops to me but it did have gorgeous hair. I guess it would stay that way as its not entirely overly mobile.

There were missing in action Havanese and a new one from Cuba. Wish I could go back today but it's called socialize my dogs day and training. What are you doing?

Are you watching Westminister on TV Monday and Tuesday. The Havanese will be on Tuesday. Two of the dogs from Rockhurst will be there - same place we got the Treasure and Abigail. Do watch. I have my PVR set to record. Let us know what you think.

Article originally appeared on talemakerhavanese.com (http://www.talemakerhavanese.com/).
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