It All Comes Together
Thursday, October 15, 2009 at 6:22PM
Darlah Potechin in havanese puppies toronto, talemaker boarding toronto havanese

Shoshi is a pet dog. She came to our home strictly as a pet. When we first got her the breeder pushed us to get her extra early saying she would fly in with her sister and you don't want her flying alone.

We wanted to come to the breeder's house to get her but always a reason why we couldn't.

These are all warning signs as you should be able to visit your breeder if you live close by or even if you want to fly in.

Breeder's have lives too and have doctor's appointments, dinners out and all the things that us humans do so we are not here waiting for people to visit and when we have litters, we have to be extra careful as those visiting breeder after breeder can bring things on their feet, hands, clothes etc.and you can lose puppies that way so we balance our puppies needs with those interested.

If you are just wanting to get a puppy fix and not serious about acquiring one, you should think about the health of the pups and be extra careful. Leave your shoes at the door, wash your hands and if the breeder won't let you hold that puppy as its too young, then listen. It's not about you but the health of the puppy. As they get older, then everything gets easier.

So far Shoshi has been really healthy. We have been lucky. But she came to us very shy, afraid of the world and not socializing with people. If she had been homed without other dogs, she may have remained so. But she was lucky that she came to the crazy Talemker Havanese home.

She gets exposed to many people and dawgs. This has been positive and as she gets older, the more secure she gets. You can find her now sitting on stranger's laps and enjoying people.

She is one of the reasons we know that anything is possible given time, exposure and conditioning with love thrown in. Due to coming home too early, she was under developed in reading other dawgs, how to introduce play and how to simply meet and greet. But not everyone has a home like us with many people and dawgs coming in and out.

Here we have Quito and Kooba who is visiting us. When we first started boarding, we worried about conflicts and we learned how to introduce and how to read dogs and how to handle situations Every dawg that has come in no matter how nervous feels relaxed when matched with another that welcomes them in. Abigail is the very best for this job. She's like the person at the party and everyone is standing separate around the room and she gets them all interacting in a positive way. It's marvelous to watch.

Who are the best pals these days? Abigail and Shoshi. It does my heart good!

Look for Gidget and Saki and Chewy coming soon. My camera will be busy for sure.

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