Havanese in Action
Sunday, January 4, 2009 at 6:04PM
Darlah Potechin in camera photo taking havanese, canon rebel xsi dog photography, havanese socialization, talemaker boarding toronto havanese

This actually should be titled, it pays to get a DSLR - even an entry level one like my Canon Rebel XSI.

I think it was Rick Sammon, a professional photographer and instructor who said you have to take photos of something you are passionate about but he also said you have to get of your backyard to get interesting photos.

I guess he didn't ever have a couple of Havanese in his backyard or he would change his mind.

The action that you can capture will get you wondering how you ever survived with a point and shoot.

Oh, you can use a Canon Rebel XSI as a point and shoot but you would be missing all that creativity that goes into capturing your passion and the dogs are our passion.

Even my telephoto lens that I got when I bought the package can capture shots like this.

I am rather new at this capturing dog business with anything but a point and shoot.

I have to admit, the crew here makes it easy as they are always having moments you go wow - look at that.

That Abigail was chasing Shoshi by the tail and loving it - both of them, actually. What is quite special about this is when we acquired Shoshi way back when, she was a timid dog that hid under a chair when we did obedience training but not anymore.

The pack has been great for her and she even tells the others off when they should be told off where before she would tolerate it.

This was her today introducing play and then getting Abigail to chase her and then when she was done, our guest Mystery also chased her and so did our guest - who is going home today - Benny. They were having a rip roaring time outside today.

People wonder why we do this - and now you know - the smiles - the memories and its plain worth it for what they give to you.

Till tomorrow...

Buy yourself a Canon Rebel XSI - hehhehehe

Article originally appeared on talemakerhavanese.com (http://www.talemakerhavanese.com/).
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