It's a Cold Day Out
Saturday, January 3, 2009 at 5:49PM
Darlah Potechin in havanese socialization, talemaker boarding toronto havanese

Today we were lucky enough to have two visitors come and we have Mystery visiting us.

It's been a truly fun house here lately. Just when we think we are getting down to just our own, another comes to visit.

Benny goes home tomorrow. Then we will be down to 1 visitor for a couple of weeks and it's fine with us.

Well, we had some sad news. Yvonne's old lady Britney lived a full life to a ripe old age of 14 and this weekend, her life, as we know it came to an end. Anyone who knew her remembers her smitten with Kat - a tad too much women for him and playing with the pups. Our life is richer for having a little Britney in our lives.

Our heart goes out to our dear friends, Alex and Yvonne. Thank you for sharing her with us!

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