Havanese Visitors
Wednesday, July 2, 2008 at 9:38AM
Darlah Potechin in Talemaker Havanese, Talemaker Havanese Puppies Toronto, talemaker sebastian

We had Linda and John over and her crew of dogs. Linda managed to swim a little and I was combing out Kat from after his swim when they arrived.

It was a nice relaxing time.

Check out Risa who thinks she has the very best seat in the house - and she does. No one ever said she wasn't quick. She jumped in that chair faster than anyone can blink their eyes.

Risa is on a starvation and exercise diet - well not really - diet yes - exercise yes but not starving but in her mind - hehehe but she can still move FAST!

Her granddaughter, Fiona got the cheap seat in the house - or maybe not depending on how you look at it.

Fiona is cooling off or maybe warming up on the cement after getting wet herself. Gad does she need a brushing!

She's been an outright pistol these days.

What's that you called me mommy? Not I!

Sebastian is visiting and here you can see him in his haircut. The boy is gorgeous but the hairdo does him no justice but it will grow.

We have been taking him on walks encountering many people, dogs, noises etc. He barked when about 12 people came down the walkway at once all together but I said no bark - placed him in a sit and voila - he was soon meeting a greeting all the humans and their dogs. He is an amazingly well behaved submissive dog who has yet to figure out how to totally placate Kat but he will. He's also fully house trained.

He's been in our pool twice and not on purpose so we are training him to understand the pool and how to get out etc. Gad - he loves his walks. I do too when life allows me to.

Here's a couple of photos of Linda's dogs that came to visit. She even took them in for a swim and gave them some lessons about how to get out of a pool. Good one!

More later - visitors coming!

Article originally appeared on talemakerhavanese.com (http://www.talemakerhavanese.com/).
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