Posing the Darling Havanese
Thursday, July 17, 2008 at 6:06PM
Darlah Potechin in Talemaker Havanese Puppies Toronto, camera photo taking havanese, posing havanese

Taking photos with a slow camera is a fun adventure. We figured today we would try to get 3 of our Havanese posed on the bench after their bath and to say it was difficult - well that's an understatement. It's sort of like taking photos of a large family and there is always one sticking their tongue out or doing something equally distracting.

I had the camera most of the time and Nathan had the treats. I think we got - how many decent shots? I think one. You tell me.

The idea of this is one dog is easier. Three dogs or more can be interesting hint and starve them - well not really but do it just before they eat and it MAY work or get a faster camera.

Saturday we plan on taking lots of puppy photos so watch for those Saturday night.

Article originally appeared on talemakerhavanese.com (http://www.talemakerhavanese.com/).
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