Havanese Vet Update
Wednesday, March 5, 2008 at 1:53PM
Darlah Potechin in Talemaker Havanese, chicadoro fiona at talemaker, havana silk dog, rockhurst Abigail at talemaker

We went to the vets seeing the ice storm was coming in - we wanted to keep warm - yeah - at the vets. ROFL.

Miss Abigail got her rabies shot and Miss Fiona got her 2nd shots and goes back in 4 weeks to get her next.

Miss Abigail is now 8lb 4.5 ounces and Miss Fiona is 4lb 7.5 ounces. Remember that Miss Abigail is 2 days younger than the Wasabi crew. Miss Fiona is just 13 weeks last Friday.

Miss Fiona has gained 1lb 6.5 ounces in 5 weeks and Miss Abigail has gained 2lb 2 ounces. They do adore the food that human daddy makes.

No issues with rabies in regards to soreness for the Miss Abs but Fiona is way sore.

She is here giving Miss Abigail the evil eye and yes she has one - ROFL and it says - leave me alone.

I tried putting her in the crate and that was fine but she wants to be with the others. So, we are watching and figure by tomorrow she will be back to her usual feisty self.

More later and have you shoveled paths for your dawgies yet if the snowstorm hit you? We have.

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