Gidget Knows How to Have Fun
Saturday, December 6, 2008 at 7:13AM
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Gidget visits us from time to time and truly knows how to have fun. She's one of the few dogs that gets away wrestling with Kat full on and he loves it.

Gidget doesn't overly love grooming but here we brush/comb them daily and it took her oh about 5 days before she realized this isn't bad. She doesn't hurt me. I get snuggles and cuddles when it goes on and she massages me. Plus I get a treat tat the end which is the best part but I am picky. I only like the best and that Nathan guy gives it to me.

If you are struggling with grooming, do a little each day. If you have a knot, gently pull it out or if it is too tight, cut into it with thinning shears and brush out. Then massage the area and give them snuggles all throughout. Always end with a treat at the end and they will 'get' that you aren't going to hurt them and there are many rewards to getting groomed including feeling better at the end - knot free. Each dog's hair is different. Some hardly ever knot - some seem to at touch but most likely you have a roller and one who loves to rub him/herself and the friction creates knots and tyere are solutions to that. Plus that stage between puppy and adulthood - the blowing coat stage should pass.

Give your dogs love. They deserve the best.

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