Girls, Girls & More Girls Havanese
Tuesday, November 18, 2008 at 4:18PM
Darlah Potechin in camera photo taking havanese, talemaker boarding toronto havanese

One day I woke up and all these girls were hanging out at my house. Most men - ahem - am I a man yet? Well, most would love so many gals kissing on them but this one particular gal named Downsey - well she just doesn't stop. So, I grr and she does it again as if to say - let's see what I can get away with.

Well, I am the step over the line dawg here and I have put up with Fiona being one too but two? Oh my!

Then this cute little gal comes along that they tell is their mom - and her name is Maggie. She plays just like a puppy like me and we rather get some spectacular play sessions in and then she pays attention to her kids. Is it me or them?

I am the king around these here parts and I am having to reflect on life with so many gals. Oh...they are so nice to have around but put them all together and this lone guy - well let's say - I am gathering my wits to see how to play this.

Life is interesting in a houseful of gals and only a few men.

I am off to sleep, ponder and enjoy those afternoon naps those humans took this afternoon with all of us. It's getting crowded on the bed but they - the humans seem to like it. Guess they realize what is important in life - all that love. Hope the rest of you are having a Havanese luv session too.

Got any tips guys - especially those of you with so many gals? I may need some help. Right now, it's tough being all that for each gal. hehehehehe

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