Oh Woe is Me Says Kat
Thursday, October 30, 2008 at 7:36AM
Darlah Potechin in chicadoro fiona at talemaker, ka, talemaker boarding toronto havanese

Well off I go on an adventure to stay with Yvonne's hubby Alex and their old gal Britney who looks like an oversized Havanese but they say she's a Beardie. She rather likes me but she seems to be more gal than I can handle.

I haven't been on an overnight stay without the human parents since I was a little one. They say it will be fun. Alex tells me we are going to have a boys weekend - whatever that is!

All the girls are coming back home and I have to go due to this thing called heat where I lose my brains. Really - I know where they are.

Oh well, I will survive but will Alex? Time will tell.

The specialty is being held in Toronto so many Havanese will be strutting their stuff. Did you buy raffle tickets?

Fiona and Abs is in a brace but due to that 'heat' thing they were unable to practice so we do not have high expectations other than lots of laughs. But that will make it great too. I hear we will have 2 other serious bracers against us. May the best brace win!

Article originally appeared on talemakerhavanese.com (http://www.talemakerhavanese.com/).
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