It's Mine Havanese 3 Way Style
Sunday, December 2, 2007 at 5:56PM
Darlah Potechin

Oh human mommy had big plans for us and that video camera but she saved it in VR mode - argh so until she figures out how to convert those to share, silly mom - must be the lack of sleep - well still photos will have to do.

We have had a roaring good time this weekend. Today started out with a bang or a wet one that is. Human daddy is away on business so it was just the human mommy and the gang and we started it with finding goats milk was pouring out of the fridge. What was THAT! So, priorities, priorities - pups got fed first, brought downstairs and human mommy got to cleanup then go outside and shovel paths in the snow. Oh, I do hope this video converts as its priceless. The crew is really showing their personalities. Oh, we know the old saying - girls are a tad more independent and boys are more snuggly but this lone gal we have - well if you get to see her in this video, she's not only a born snuggler but she holds 2 boys down and wrestles them at the same time and they cry uncle. Oh, yes, they are just having fun but she's a gal that isn't afraid of anything thus far and - well the world is her oyster and she gets that point across to her brothers in a way that makes you smile as it's almost like she is cajoling them. Oh, I will play with you, if you'll do this for me...oh my - it's already begun.

In the photo above, you can now see the little ones are learning a sense of fair play and cooperation. It takes both to play a successful game of 3 way tug and they seem to do it quite well. As we play more games with a variety of items, they tend to perfect and play a tad different with each of the toys.

Today the crew has gone outside twice, played in the family room and hallway twice and in the kitchen 3 times. Human mommy lays in the x-pen at times and has to go yeouch as the teeth are coming in and they are learning how to mouth vs. bite when you make a noise.

The goldens were out playing in the snow with the crew and having a roaring good time. Terra often can be seen now at their level trying to play. It's so important to get them to be exposed to all different environments, larger dogs, different humans and all sorts of experiences.

We did household noises today as background conditioning. The pups thought the vacuum was a toy that they could play with - no reaction to the noise even when laid down. We tested them on the food processor, blender, coffee grinder, door bell, intercom and not a single negative reaction but they would cock their ears as if to say - what is that and then go off and play. Our goal is to get them familiar with all the everyday noises. This week, if the weather cooperates, we get to go in the car, get our shots, our baer test and see how we do.

What we are finding out about this crew that they are truly team players. We hope the way that we play with them helps this along. What is also coming out is their mischievous behaviour. If we EVER get that video converted, you will laugh seeing the antics in the tunnel. I know I did.

There is nothing like Havanese...nothing...and the payment you get is laughter, smiles and sometimes shaking your head at their wonderful antics. I swear, they were put here to remind us that laughter - well we all need that!

Well, the video converter is still sitting at 11% and human daddy tells us no planes are flying out of Powell River - for shame so we will have to do without him another night so its just mommy and the crew and we hope he gets home tomorrow as we have doctor visits on Tuesday. We also miss him madly. He's as crazy about the dogs himself and even told human mommy that he watches the videos to stay connected - how nice.

Well, we are all snoozing now till our next big kitchen play session that we have everyday just before bedtime. Usually this tuckers us all out and we all sleep but last night - well it got us even more excited and we played loudly for another hour - later than usual then crashed till 7am. Not bad...

More tomorrow as human mommy needs to get our beds ready upstairs before we wake up.

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