One on One Time With Pups
Monday, December 10, 2007 at 5:52PM
Darlah Potechin in Sonrisas Hot N Spicy Wasabi puppies, Talemaker Havanese, darlah potechin, havana silk dog, nathan potechin, toronto havanese puppies

We took the pups - one at a time out to the kitchen to test them on how fast they could learn the command 'sit'. We need to do this daily to reinforce it but the gal and Tux wasn't doing so hot (then it dawned on me I can't teach Tux sit - duh as you do not teach a show dog 'sit' at this stage). We used small pieces of Baby Bell Cheese for treats (rewards).

We then changed to chicken pieces (tiny ones) and started taking the other dogs out and either we were getting better at the technique or they simply liked the chicken better. They got the treat/reward for doing something quickly. Nice! Then I went back to the gal and to Tux and tried it with the chicken teaching Tux 'come' between Nathan and I and the gal 'sit' and suddenly they were doing really well. Hmmm must be the treat that counts. We plan to do this daily so you can have a dog that sits on command. Maybe we will teach another command next week to at least get a couple of commands down. This way you will have a start in training.

It shows you that at 8 weeks they are quite receptive to learning. You just have to take the time and if you do - wow - it all comes together and it is so worth it.

Well, no photo tonight. We took a video of the dogs playing with their canine mom but I haven't converted it yet and after a busy weekend, I want to have some downtime so more tomorrow. The pups - they are amazing and quite the fun lot.

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